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Package requests for both kopia (command-line) and KopiaUI (with GUI)
Open, NormalPublic


  • Name: kopia (command-line) and KopiaUI (with GUI) is a fast and secure open-source backup/restore
  • Homepage:
  • Why should this be included in the repository? If we already offer similar software in our repository or third party, please provide information on what your proposed software does that our existing offerings don’t (differentiators). It is easier to use than restic for me in a desktop environment and the backup process is automatic and quick.
  • Is it Open Source (yes/no)?: Yes
    • If no: Are we allowed to distribute it?: -
    • Set the Tags to have “Package Requests” It's done.
  • Who and how many users do you anticipate will use this software? Hard for me to tell. I've been using it since v0.6, and it is actively upgraded and developed ment. It has been easy to use and reliable when getting back data from this type of backup.
  • Link to source: For both packages:

Event Timeline

ggdaynight renamed this task from Package request for Kopia (command-line) to Package requests for both kopia (command-line) and KopiaGUI (with GUI).Jul 22 2022, 3:58 PM
ggdaynight renamed this task from Package requests for both kopia (command-line) and KopiaGUI (with GUI) to Package requests for both kopia (command-line) and KopiaUI (with GUI).
ggdaynight updated the task description. (Show Details)
joebonrichie moved this task from Backlog to Accepted For Inclusion on the Package Requests board.
joebonrichie added a project: Needs Maintainer.