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GNU poke - an interactive, extensible editor for binary data.
Closed due to inactivityPublic


  • Name of the software - poke
  • Project/product Homepage -
  • Why we should include this into the repository, i.e. what does it do that the alternatives do not?:
The real killer feature of poke is that it can interpret binary data, decoding it back into readable data structures. If you’re familiar with the way Wireshark can decode packets and give useful, organized output, it seems that poke will provide a similar function, but not limited to network traffic. 

It looks like it could become a useful tool for getting a look inside otherwise opaque binaries. What poke brings is a system where you can write pretty-printing templates on the fly, which should be very useful when mapping out an unfamiliar binary. Distros will likely pick up and start packaging poke in the coming weeks, making it even easier to get and play with.
  • Is it open source? - yes

Revisions and Commits

Event Timeline

presianbg updated the task description. (Show Details)
presianbg updated the task description. (Show Details)
DataDrake triaged this task as Normal priority.Mar 7 2021, 3:04 PM
DataDrake moved this task from Backlog to Accepted For Inclusion on the Package Requests board.

I'd like to try packaging this a shot. I am new to this distro, but not new to Linux. Interested in helping out.

DataDrake added a subscriber: DataDrake.

This has sat in accepted for inclusion for over 30 days. Clearly, there is a lack of demand for the inclusion of this software, nobody has stepped up to provide a completed patch, maintain it, and properly integrate it. Closing as a result. Feel free to reopen but only when someone offers a patch via our proper patch submission methods and volunteers to be maintainer.

DataDrake changed the task status from Wontfix to Frozen.Feb 21 2022, 4:39 AM