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This software is useful for SOAP API debug.
Java is required to run SoapUI.


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Just Download an install it. No need Package.

If you have problems to install ask for help.

Java Install:

@gromez .sh files aren't tarballs. Please provide links to versioned tarballs of the open source version.

@nunomgsantos Please leave it to the Triage Team to determine whether there is a need or possibility of packaging, thank you.

Thanks for the link @nunomgsantos, found it too on the release page :

I've edited OP with the tarball link.

That's not a valid tarball. It contains prebuilt binaries. Needs to be source.

It seems the only way to get the source is to download it from Github :

So maybe it's not the better way to do a Solus package.

Github is fine. We have lots of software that gets built from there. Though .tar.gz is preferred over .zip if it's available.

Justin removed Justin as the assignee of this task.Sep 5 2017, 8:10 AM
Justin added a subscriber: Justin.

Having issues with this build, errors attached, package.yml:

name       : soapui
version    : 5.2.1
release    : 1
source     :
    - : e3cca3ee04b6a9beac1cfc1a51f0bdad55f2f2508d0c3b832a190dc519c42318
license    : EUPL-1.1+
component  : destop #CHANGE ME
summary    : SoapUI
description: |
    SoapUI is a free and open source cross-platform functional testing solution for APIs and web services.
networking : yes
builddeps  :
    - apache-maven
    - openjdk-8-devel
install    : |
    mkdir m2
    export MAVEN_OPTS="-Dmaven.repo.local=./m2"
    mvn package

You need to add openjfx-8 to build deps and edit the jfxrt.jar path in pom.xml to ${java.home}/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar

Does this need to be done in each pom.xml?

find . -iname pom.xml

Sorry for late reply @Justin, I don't really know tbh.

If they merge this pull request it should build without problems.

A pull request from 2015, not a lot of hope on that getting merged, but stranger things have happened. I'll leave it and come back to it and check occasionally thanks @joebonrichie

Unassigning due to lack of activity.

JoshStrobl claimed this task.
JoshStrobl added a project: Needs Maintainer.

This has sat in accepted for inclusion for over a year. Clearly, there is a lack of demand for the inclusion of this software, nobody has stepped up to provide a completed patch, maintain it, and properly integrate it. Closing as a result. Feel free to reopen but only when someone offers a patch via our proper patch submission methods and volunteers to be maintainer.

DataDrake changed the task status from Wontfix to Frozen.Feb 21 2022, 6:43 AM