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Name: LuaFileSystem


Reason: For some apps and games, notably CorsixTH (, LuaFileSystem is necessary but it's not available in the Solus repositories.

Open Source: Yes

Revisions and Commits

Event Timeline

Unknown Object (User) created this task.Dec 22 2017, 4:48 PM
Unknown Object (User) updated the task description. (Show Details)
JoshStrobl triaged this task as Normal priority.Mar 15 2018, 8:30 PM
JoshStrobl moved this task from Backlog to Accepted For Inclusion on the Package Requests board.
JoshStrobl added a subscriber: JoshStrobl.

CorsixTH isn't something we've approved of but I could see this being useful for those that don't want to deal with Lua's own IO functions.

JoshStrobl renamed this task from [Package Request[ LuaFileSystem to LuaFileSystem.Mar 15 2018, 8:30 PM

This is also a dependency (well dependency of a dependency) for the Awesome Window Manager (T1026) which I've been working on creating a package for.

I've submitted two package diffs for this, one built against the lua5.1 runtime and the other against the standard (5.3) Lua runtime. I've also created a LuaJIT build locally but I haven't committed that as it conflicts with the lua5.1 build of LFS due to the shared library being installed to the same path, and I'm not sure how the package maintainers deal with that situation . The 5.1 build is compatible with LuaJIT though so that can be installed if someone wants to use it with LuaJIT. But I can also commit the LuaJIT build diff if that's the way to go.

D2907 - lua-filesystem
D2908 - lua51-filesystem

Hope the diffs are okay :)

Closing due to lack of response to the respective diffs.

Girtablulu removed subscribers: mn, Unknown Object (User).
dotEls removed dotEls as the assignee of this task.
dotEls added a subscriber: dotEls.

lua-filesystem: D6384
lua51-filesystem: D6385

DataDrake added a subscriber: DataDrake.

Closing again due to lack of response to diffs.

DataDrake changed the task status from Wontfix to Frozen.Feb 21 2022, 6:23 AM