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Package request: GreenWithEnvy
Closed due to inactivityPublic


  • Name: GreenWithEnvy ( GWE )
  • Homepage:
  • GWE is a GTK system utility designed to provide information, control the fans and overclock your NVIDIA video card and graphics processor. It would be good to have something that you can control your gpu fans with and/or overclock it. Their flatpack does not work with nvidia beta and 415 versions etc. There is no snap for it.
  • It is open source
  • Latest version:
  • Who and how many users do you anticipate will use this software? -> Potentially every gamer that uses nvidia cards and wants to game on Linux / Solus and have control over their gpu.

Event Timeline

JoshStrobl moved this task from Backlog to Accepted For Inclusion on the Package Requests board.

IMO I think it would be better to include something like tux-clocker which does pretty much the same thing but with the plan to add support for AMD GPU’s.

@Jacalz That does not appear to be as actively developed and it is Qt-based, not GTK3.

@Jacalz That does not appear to be as actively developed and it is Qt-based, not GTK3.

Yeah you are right. It seemed to have more momentum behind it a couple months ago when I looked at it...

This has sat in accepted for inclusion for over 30 days. Clearly, there is a lack of demand for the inclusion of this software, nobody has stepped up to provide a completed patch, maintain it, and properly integrate it. Closing as a result. Feel free to reopen but only when someone offers a patch via our proper patch submission methods and volunteers to be maintainer.

I've been trying to compile GWE but the tarball isn't actually a release, a git clone of the repo is mandatory.

A Debian packager just opened an issue about packaging GWE, I don't know how dpkg packages work but maybe they also need a tarball? If they do, maybe the GWE devs will create actual releases.

Until they have a buildable release, as far as I know it's pretty much impossible to package for Solus


Solbuild can handle git builds.

source     :
    - git| : 0.13.0

I've had it working for some time. I'm just not sure I wish to become its maintainer so I've done nothing about it. I only installed it to test GPU fan speed and its affect on X570 chipset temps (its significant).

For anyone that wants to maintain it. It requires 3 new run deps not currently in the repository all python.... yay. python-rx python-py3nvml and python-injector

Then there is this:

/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/ UserWarning: The Gtk3Agg backend is known to not work on Python 3.x with pycairo. Try installing cairocffi. "The Gtk3Agg backend is known to not work on python 3.x with pycairo. "

"cairocffi is a CFFI-based drop-in replacement for pycairo" except its not

I assume this is why the fan profile section doesn't render properly for me. I just get a white box with the green line. (What its supposed to look like still works tho.

DataDrake changed the task status from Wontfix to Frozen.Feb 21 2022, 6:09 AM